aria covey foundation
Take-Home Edition
Sunday, November 28, 2021
Please reach out to ariacoveyfoundation@gmail.com if you are interested in donating raffles or purchasing a ticket for this year's take-home DIY wreath night!
Thank you for your unwavering support for ACF, a foundation that is near and dear to my heart. - Linda
Ask anyone who had the pleasure of meeting Aria Covey and they’ll tell you: her beauty was boundless and her smile, infectious. And, though we miss her terribly, the memory of her joyful disposition continues to lift our spirits - spreading happiness, even in times of sadness. The Aria Covey Foundation has been established for this very reason, giving us the perfect outlet to continue to spread the love Aria brought to us and others.
To support local families and children in times of need. In doing this, we strive to provide aid and assistance in some small way – and if nothing else, bring a smile like Aria’s, to your face.